QUOTES.EXE v1.00 Mark Zec - Galahad Software This is just a quick little utility I wrote to use with David Harris' excellent Pegasus Mail. I was prompted to write it after seeing a few comments on the PM-WIN support mailing list for an easy way to add quotes to the RQUOTES.R file, which is designed to allow people to utilize random signatures from within Pegasus. One utility was indicated, available via email auto-response, but after requesting it and not receiving it, I decided to write my own. QUOTES.EXE is pretty simple to use. It's "quick and dirty", but it works well as long as a few steps are taken. 1) The three files necessary all need to be in the same directory. These three files are: QUOTES.EXE, the executable file contained in this archive; RQUOTES.R, the raw data file that contains the random signatures; QUOTES.TXT, the source file for new signatures that are going to be appended to the RQUOTES.R file. 2) The source file, QUOTES.TXT, needs to be formatted in a specific manner (see the included sample file). But basically, every individual signature, whether a single line or multi-line sig, needs to be separated from the preceding/following quotes by a blank line. This blank line must be a "null" string, without even having spaces in it. If you're unsure about this, go to a blank line and hit the key. If the line underneath shifts upwards, it was a null string. If it doesn't shift upwards, the blank line has some "hard" spaces embedded in it. 3) The last line of the QUOTES.TXT file can be a blank line, or it can be the last line of the last quote. Either will be recognized correctly as the EOF (End of File). Again, refer to the included sample file for further explanation. Once these three steps are followed, all you need to do is type QUOTES in a DOS window, and the new quotes/signatures will be appended to your RQUOTES.R file. If all goes well, you won't see anything output to the screen. If one of the two files (RQUOTES.R or QUOTES.TXT) are missing, the program will generate an error message. This is the only situation that generated an error message during my testing. This doesn't guarantee that, after running the QUOTES.EXE program, you won't have errors when your RQUOTES.R file is compiled. It does no error checking to determine if characters in the QUOTES.TXT file will cause compile errors. All it does is read and write...no more. You'll have to chase down compilation errors after this program is run. The execution of the program is fast. I used this to add about 50 more random quotes to my quote file, and the total execution time was well under one second. One other disclaimer, and one that a lot of people seem to forget. It's so important, I'm going to yell: BACKUP YOUR OLD RQUOTES.R FILE BEFORE DOING THIS. IT'S BEEN TESTED, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT'S 100% PERFECT. BEFORE YOU INSTALL OR UPDATE ANYTHING, YOU SHOULD BACK UP THE OLD VERSION AS A MATTER OF ROUTINE. The sample batch file I've included (TAGS.BAT) will always backup your RQUOTES.R file before any processing is done. It's *always* a good idea. In the spirit of David Harris' Pegasus Mail, I'm releasing this little utility as freeware. However, I retain all rights to the original source code. Reverse engineering, decompiling, or any other nasty things like this will result in God hitting you with a bolt of lightning. Really. I've seen it happen before. Should you find that this is the best little program known to mankind, and that you can't live without it, donations are always happily accepted. Please....don't send a lot of money, though, because it didn't take me all that much time to put it together. Questions, comments, adulation, or monetary bequests can be directed to: Mark Zec P.O. Box 291164 San Antonio, Texas 78229 Email: markzec@earthlink.net -or- mark.zec@haremail.com